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Download the 1009 Art Hamel Tele-seminar transcripts here

Download exclusive first time interview transcripts here

Download the best of the best audio transcripts here

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note: the workbook is not the same as the transcripts



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The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide
To How To Buy And Own A Winning Business A Tele-Seminar With Art Hamel

Art Hamel R.I.P. Passed Away June 2017.

 How To Buy And Own A Winning Business 

Replay Page

Michael Senoff and Expert, Art Hamel


Tele-Seminar Segments Played at Regular Speed Below

Part One notes all 7 parts download mp3
Part Two PDF Transcripts download mp3
Part Three   download mp3
Part Four   download mp3
Part Five   download mp3
Part Six   download mp3
Part Seven   download mp3

The Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide To Buying And Owning A Winning Business:


A Tele-seminar With Art Hamel

Believe it or not, anyone can buy a business – even in today’s economy. In fact, business-buying expert Art Hamel says he likes to buy businesses during recessions because owners are more motivated to sell, which could mean easier and more profitable deals for you. And in this tele-seminar, you’ll hear exactly how to make the recession work for you. According to Art, one of the biggest mistakes you can make when buying a business is complicating the process. If you follow his plan, you won’t need extensive knowledge, fancy concepts or even research about your market. So in this tele-seminar you’ll hear an outline of the entire process, from selecting a successful business to choosing an exit strategy. But because there’s an extensive amount of information, the tele-seminar runs slightly more than five hours long. So I’ve broken it into seven easily digestible sections and here’s a rundown of each.

Part One: How To Get Started...
Even If You Don’t Have Any Money Or Connections

It seems like everyone is talking about the economy, and Art is no exception, except he’s saying you don’t need to worry about it. And in the beginning of Part One, you’ll hear why. He addresses all the questions and worries about how the economy has affected business buying.

And he should know. Art has been buying businesses for more than 50 years and has also helped countless others to buy them too. According to him, the number one thing you need to succeed is confidence – everything else is easy. In fact, he says if you start the right way and stick with the basic rules, you’ll be just fine. And in Part One, you’ll hear the right way to get started along with…

• Exactly what to look for in a business to buy and where to start looking
• What a “reverse earn out” is and how to use one when negotiating for businesses during the recession
• Why you’ll want to avoid private equity companies and business brokers – and what to do instead
• Two businesses you’ll never want to get involved with and why
• How to contact the owners of prospective companies – just like the brokers do

Part Two: The Best Types Of Businesses To Buy And How To Find Them

According to Art, you never want to be known as the “turnaround guy” because it’s just not worth it to fix up a business and turn it around – and it’s certainly not worth the headaches. It’s much better to find a business that’s already doing well. So in Part Two, you’ll hear all about the ideal business to buy and also…

• How to contact the owners of businesses and ways to make sure you get taken seriously
• How to use your local library to find businesses to buy
• What kinds of questions to ask when you’re buying a business
• The 3 best characteristics of a business to buy and what types do best during a recession

Part Three: Evaluating And Determining The Value Of A Business

Art says one of the worst things you can do when evaluating a business is to go in there with a Pollyanna attitude. You need to assume there are problems and look for them. Remember, it’s “buyer beware,” so quit worrying about impressing the owner and worry more about your research.

If this is your first business sale, you’ve got a lot to learn. Fortunately, according to Art, none of it requires a background in rocket science. And in Part Three, he’s going to tell you how to make sure you don’t get ripped off. You’ll also hear…

• How to use a profit and loss balance sheet to help determine your maximum bid for a business
• How to evaluate a business’s financial record and judge its future viability
• All about due diligence and how to put together questions that will let the seller know you’re not a pushover
• Why you’ll need a CPA and accountant when you first start out
• The best way to cash out investors after their five-year run

Part Four: Obtaining Investors Or Bank Loans

According to Art, if your deal makes sound economic sense, you’ll find financial backing, no problem. But finding investors might be difficult if you’re a new business buyer with no track record. Fortunately, there are other routes you can take like leverage buyouts and owner financing. And in Part Four, you’ll hear all about them. You'll Also Hear...

• Why owner financing should only be 30% to 40% of the deal, how to get it, and how to make up the rest
• Why you won’t want a private equity company to finance the deal – and where to go instead
• How to prospect for investors
• How deals are usually structured – when investors get paid, how long they stay, and if you need to buy them out
• All about the “preferred position” – what it means, how it’s arranged, who gets it and why

Part Five: Negotiating The Deal

If you’re like most people, you worry about going into an important meeting and negotiating a big deal. Art says he’s been there too, but owners are never as horrible to work with as you think, and the meeting always goes pretty smoothly. But there are some things you’re going to want to look out for, and in Part Five you’ll hear how to make sure every “T” gets crossed.

You'll Also Hear…
• What issues to look out for when dealing with multiple partners
• How to sell the owner on seller financing
• How to look over the business and meet with the owners when you’re working a 9 to 5 job – and whether or not you should even disclose that

Part Six: Running The Business

With Art’s system, he suggests you go the absentee owner route and stay as far away from the business as possible. But even if you choose to be a little closer, you should never go into the business and make a lot of changes right away. And in Part Six, you’ll hear how to keep your management team happy while maintaining your finger on the pulse of the company.

You'll Also Hear…
• All about incentive programs – what to use, what to avoid, and what happens if the owner wants to stay on and manage – does he get an incentive too?
• How Art keeps track of all of his businesses, how he easily spots problems that arise, and how he maintains control – even when he’s far, far away
• All about exit strategies and “going public” with a company
• What you can expect if you’re considering a business far from your home – or even outside your country
• Why you may want to think twice before you buy a C Corp

Part Seven: Working With Art

Art’s been teaching people to buy businesses for 47 years, and his program is so simple he’s never met a person who couldn’t get it. You may have to go through the information more than once. But if you put the time in, you’ll have a net profit that could easily set you for life. And in Part Seven, you’ll hear about his home study course along with…

• The referral fees Art pays for students who bring him businesses
• Information about buying online businesses – does his course cover that?
• Other books and training Art recommends for buying businesses
• The preferred way to draw income from a company
• The most effective way to build a team that will have the business knowledge you need

There are hundreds of ways to buy a business. You could really complicate the process if you wanted to, but why? Art has been buying businesses for a long time and has it down to a tried-and-true, simplified science. So if you’re looking for difficult theories, you won’t get them here. Art gives you what works in practice, out in the real world, exactly where you need it.


Tele-Seminar Segments at 150% Speed 

This is the same Tele-Seminar as above except it's been enhanced with speed learning software called www.SpeedUpMyMp3.com. The "regular play" interview is 180 minutes.

This one has been speeded up 150% of it's regular speed  

Enjoy the extra  "free time" you gain by listening to accelerated audio. You can download a free trial of the software by clicking on the dog's head below.

Speed Through Audio With Your New "Audio Time Machine"

You'll save hours and hours of precious time ordinarily wasted by listening to slow spoken word audio interviews, Tele-Seminars, CD programs and lengthy seminars.

Listen faster and faster then you have ever read before and understand and retain every word with out the chipmunk effect.

You'll gain hours in a day, weeks in a month and months in a year all from this amazing time-saving tool.

What are you waiting for? You will never go back to listening to audio the old way.  Try it now


Part One notes all 7 parts download mp3
Part Two   download mp3
Part Three   download mp3
Part Four   download mp3
Part Five   download mp3
Part Six   download mp3
Part Seven   download mp3

How to download the mp3 files and or clips from the site to your hard drive.


"Right mouse click"
on the words play lesson in the mp3 column below to the left and you'll see a menu like the one to the right open up. 

In Internet Explorer Choose "Save Target As..." and download the file to your desktop

Once you select "save target as" or "save link as" a download screen will come up asking you where you want to save the file to on your computer.

You should save the files to your "Desktop" or another folder you can easily find. Once you have downloaded the file, go to your desktop or the file you saved it to and double click the file to open it. This should launch your windows media player or your real audio player and automatically start to play the audio clip.

Right Click to download file

Download ==>

   Lesson 1 A

Download time: This file is about 1 MB - it will take about 3-5 minutes to download with a 56K modem connection.

Once you have downloaded the file named "audio file" - just double click it to launch the move in its own player... no plug-inn's required!


Lesson Titles Download or play mp3 Download Transcripts
Introduction Lesson 1 A Transcripts 1
Introduction Lesson 1 B  
Finding A Business Lesson 2 A Transcripts 2
Finding A Business Lesson 2 B  
Profit & Loss Lesson 3 A

Transcripts 3

Profit & Loss Lesson 3 B  
Balance Sheet Lesson 4 A Transcripts 4
Balance Sheet Lesson 4 B  
Pricing Lesson 5 A Transcripts 5
Pricing Lesson 5 B  
Pricing Lesson 5 C  
Pricing Lesson 5 D  
Financing Lesson 6 A Transcripts 6
Financing Lesson 6 B  
Creative Financing Lesson 7 A Transcripts 7
Creative Financing Lesson 7 B  
Location Lesson 8 A Transcripts 8
Location Lesson 9 A Transcripts 9
Franchises Lesson 10 A Transcripts 10
Franchises Lesson 10 B  
Leases Lesson 11 A Transcripts 11
Leases Lesson 11 B  
Purchasing & Escrow Lesson 12 A Transcripts 12
Purchasing & Escrow Lesson 12 B  

Exclusive Bonus Interviews With Million Dollar Business Buying Expert

Michael Senoff Interviews Business Buying Expert Mr. Art Hamel

Arthur B. Hamel has been buying businesses for over 40 years.  And he has taught thousands of people all around the world - even so-called "little guys" with no money or prior business experience - how to do the exact same thing.  

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Buying A Franchise Interview With Art Hamel

I get so many questions about franchises that when I had the opportunity to interview business-buying expert Art Hamel about franchising, I jumped at the chance! I send out an email to my entire list about the upcoming interview and asked people to email their questions so that I could pose them to Art during the interview.

At the beginning of the interview, you’ll hear how Art got started in franchising in the mid 1960’s. Since then, he’s been both a franchisee as well as a franchiser.

This audio is a goldmine for anyone who is considering buying a franchise! Art gives a down-to-earth, honest opinion of each question. You won’t want to miss listening to how his years of experience has truly made him an expert in franchising.

Here are just a few of the questions:

  • Why should a person consider buying a franchise as opposed to buying an existing business? 
  • What type of person should buy a franchise and why?
  • What type of person absolutely shouldn’t buy a franchise?
  • Are there federal regulations to prevent fraud in the franchise business?  If so, where can I obtain information on this subject?
  • If I’m set on buying a certain franchise, what types of research should I do before making my final decision?
  • Do all businesses charge their franchisees monthly franchise fees?  Are franchise fees regulated by the government?  What do I get in return for paying the fee?
  • Is it wise to start my franchise in “virgin territory” wise?  This would be some area of the country where there are no other franchises like mine.
  • How many hours per week will I have to spend when I’m first starting up my franchise?
  • Is buying a restaurant franchise, such as McDonald’s, a good idea?
  • Do I have any recourse against the parent company if my franchise is a failure?

Art doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to telling it like it really is! I know that you will enjoy this 40 minute interview that contains such a wealth of information about franchising!


How To Make 16 Times The Amount You’re Currently Making On Your Real Estate Investments... And Have Extra Cash Whenever You Need It!


Art Hamel has been buying businesses for more than 50 years, so he knows all the fastest, cheapest, easiest and most profitable ways to work every angle. And in this audio, he shows real estate investors how to take their everyday, average investments (that are usually only getting about a 2%- 4% cap rate) -- and turn them into part ownership in a business (with a minimum return of 25%)!

Not only is his plan simple, but you’ll also have tons of cash on your hands while you’re doing it to use toward other investments. And in this quick audio, you’ll hear how it’s all done.

You’ll Also Hear…
• "Insider" secrets about what really goes on during Real Estate Exchange Meetings (Hint: investors are doing a lot more than just drinking coffee)
• Real-life insight into why Art says you shouldn’t refinance your property to work his system – and exactly what you should be doing to maximize profits and immediately increase your cash flow
• A very simple (yet little known) tactic you can use to defer taxes on your transaction
• What Art thinks of Robert Allen’s “Nothing Down” system – along with some clear and straight-forward advice for Robert’s students that will have them simplifying and diversifying their portfolios (…and fattening their wallets)
• The honest, no "bull crap" truth about owner financing – when to seek it out as a viable option… and how

Art never hypes anything. He just gives sound, quality advice on the one area he knows best – business. That’s probably why his methods continue to stand the test of time. And in this audio, you’ll hear another proven idea for making money – by turning same-old, stagnant real estate into the “river of cash flow” you may need in today’s economy.


Detailed Answers To Questions From Existing Art Hamel Students

More and more people are buying Art Hamel’s course on business buying.  As a result, more specific questions are being asked that have not been covered in some of the other of my interviews with Art.  Here’s a new recording to cover more questions that have been asked by Art’s students and detailed answers from Art himself.

As you listen, you will hear detailed answers to questions such as:

What is the percentage of return for the investors, Art’s fee, and what percentage of the business will the buyer own?  Hear Art answer this question giving detailed examples and the math behind the examples based on his personal experience of more than fifty years of business buying.

What kind of involvement in running the business is the buyer going to have if Art becomes involved?  Basically, it depends on the buyer’s management experience.  Art gives great examples in answering this question as well as what his involvement would be when a deal is made with his assistance and services.

What kind of businesses should potential buyers look for?  Should it always be a manufacturing company?  Listen as Art explains why manufacturing businesses are his favorite because the risks are less than buying a service business.  Find out why service businesses can not only be riskier, but more reasons that they may not be your best choice.

What does Art think about buying an offshore manufacturing company – specifically one based in China?  Art explains that it can still be a good deal, but how more negotiation may be necessary in China or in the Middle East.

Would Art be interested in financing a movie project?  Well, with all of his business buying and financing experience, you can probably guess that Art has, indeed, been involved with the financing of movie projects during his career.  Listen as Art talks about the deals that he has been involved with in the past and what his personal opinion is currently about getting involved with more of these.

In a buyer’s first meeting with the seller, what should the buyer ask for?  The details that Art gives while answering this question are a “must listen” for potential business buyers and you’re going to want to take notes.  Art stresses that in a first meeting with the seller, the buyer’s main goal should be to establish rapport and a relationship with the seller.  He goes on to suggest a few important questions that should be asked by the buyer in that first meeting and the most important information that the buyer should request from the seller.

When talking to a seller, is Art available to explain his credibility and services to obtain financing?  This is the part that I like best:  Art suggests that the buyer send the seller to my web site, www.hardtofindseminars.com to read or listen to the volumes of information available about Art Hamel.  My web site really will establish Art’s credibility and will tell the seller exactly what to expect if Art becomes involved with the deal.

I encourage you to add this recording or transcript to your collection of business buying resources.  Again, Art leaves no stone unturned as he answers his students’ questions in plain English with easy to understand examples based on his years of experience, real-life examples, and a wealth of business buying knowledge.


How To Get The Money You Need Fast For Your Business When The Banks Says No.


If you’re a small or medium sized company and you need money for growth, acquisition, or turnaround, this interview could be the answer you’re looking for.

In this forty-minute interview, you will learn how Barry, a financing guineas has carved out a niche in the financing field. He is so good at what he does that many of the leading banks send their customers to Barry as a last ditch effort to get the needed money. Here’s why…  Barry and his team have contacts that represent hundreds of millions of dollars in lending power. Barry and his team have the ability to arrange financing because of their strong relationships within the financing community.  When it comes to getting the money you need, it’s not what you know but who you know. These industry insider allow Barry to deal directly with the decision makers of these select lending institutions.

You'll hear Barry give an in-depth explanation of each of their services along with example case studies where they acted as the intermediary to the process. 

This is a fascinating new approach that will broaden your knowledge of the requirements necessary to engage a person with connections like Barry to help you to achieve your desired business growth.


Why Even IRS Agents And Small Business Administration Officials Attended Art's Business-Buying Seminars! 

Want more business buying secrets? This was my first 58-minute conversation with Mr. Arthur Hamel, recorded on May 23, 2002, is essential listening. Arthur may be the best expert in how to buy an existing business successfully. I met him through an eBay ad. He was selling his business—buying training courses on ebay. I called him up, turned on the tape recorder and captured every fascinating minute of our conversation. This recording will probably shock the life out of you - as it says "Bull" to everything the "mainstream" business teachers and "experts" you see on TV have ever said about buying businesses.  Tens of thousands of people - including IRS agents and Small Business Administration officials who were made to go in order to be promoted - would flock to his national seminars, sometimes dropping a couple thousand dollars just to make it.  His training program was the top-selling, number one business-buying seminar nationally. Be a fly on the wall as you listen to more of Art's amazing story. He is a very genuine man and really loves what he does. He wants you to succeed. I know you will enjoy this talk with a true master on how to buy an existing business successfully. Start listening to Mr. Arthur Hamel.


Everything You Need To Know To Start Buying Businesses Today -- With No Money, No Credit, And No Experience

The cash discount. Everyone knows you can get better deals in life if you offer to pay in cash. It’s no different when it comes to buying a business. Owners won’t care who you are. They won’t care how much experience you have, or if you’ve just filed for bankruptcy. They won’t even care if you bring your pet rock in to manage the place. They’ll sell you their business (and at a nice little discount) if you bring them a cash offer.

But how do you do it? That’s where Art comes in. He’s been using investors to buy businesses for the last 25 years. He knows where to find the best investors, what they’re looking for and exactly what you need to do to get them onboard. And in this two-part audio, Art answers everyday questions from business-buying newbies just like you about all the steps it takes to buy a business in any economy – using other people’s money.

Part One: The Hardest Part Of Buying A Business Is Getting Off The Couch
Most investors aren’t bankers – they’re businesspeople, so they don’t have the “bank mentality” where they need to see your credit history and assets before they make a decision. If they like you and the deal makes sense, you’ll get your money. The hardest part is getting off the couch and finding a business deal that works, doing the due diligence, and formulating a business plan that will bring investors along. So in Part One, you’ll hear how to do that along with…

• The safeguards you need in place to make sure you’ll be keeping the business’s customer base and business relationships after you take it over
• The scary truth about “government financing” and why Art says you should probably just forget about it
• Real-life examples of the due diligence phase and a step-by-step look at how it all works
• How to determine the real value of a business – And what to look out for so you don’t get fooled by owners trying to make their businesses look better than they actually are
• Everything you need to know about the all-important “letter of intent” -- why you’ll almost always have to sign one, what it covers, how binding the agreement is, how long it usually lasts, and more
• All about business brokers and CPAs – when to call them in and how to find a good one on your own
• The one and only type of business that’s easiest to find investors for
• DIY strategies for putting together a quick business plan (exactly what brokers and sellers will usually have for you and where to go from there – using only a library card and a little know-how)

Part Two: Stop Channeling Your Creative Side

According to Art, if you want to be successful in business you have to stop thinking outside the box. There is a proven way to buy businesses, and it’s not done with creative financing on a troubled company you plan to turn around someday. That’s just not a plan Art has seen end well. So in Part Two, you’ll hear all about the plan that works – along with some of the pitfalls that can come around if you suddenly get the urge to channel your creative side. You’ll also hear…

• Clear and straight-forward advice for newbies so that you can get rid of those “nervous” vibes you might unintentionally be sending out to the seller and broker that could blow the deal
• The honest, no "bull crap" truth about exactly what investors are going to want to see before they make the decision to jump onboard
• The 2 magic little areas to concentrate on if you want to make your business more attractive to buyers
• The real difference between buying businesses in the United States and buying them abroad – and what you need to know to get the right deal
• The 2 best industries to buy a business in (where the risks and chances of failure are significantly lower) and the one worst one you may want to steer clear of
• Exactly how involved Art is with his companies – and what he tells his managers to let them know where everyone stands
• An exclusive look at the reasons Art never goes after investors with less than a million dollars to invest – and why you may not want to either

According to Art, after you’ve looked at a couple of businesses, you’re going to say, “Oh, this isn’t very hard at all.” But you’ll have to get off the couch in order to find that out. The good news is – once you do, you’ll already have a step-by-step, proven plan for success in place that will have you buying the kind of businesses that make money while running themselves. (Then, you can sit back down on that couch again, and relax.)


PDF transcripts download mp3 part one
  download mp3 part two

How A Ten-Minute "Chat" With Art Hamel Turned Into A "Mini-Seminar" Revealing Some Of His Most Jealously-Guarded Secrets!

I just got off the phone with Art Hamel, asking him a question about dealing with business brokers and getting around having to "jump through hoops" just to get in touch with the seller of a business you want to buy.  And what was meant to be just another ten minute "chat" turned into a "mini-seminar" on buying businesses! I don't know if he intended to do this or not - but he ended up revealing many of his most jealously- guarded secrets. Secrets he doesn't talk about to anyone anymore. Secrets that will quite literally blow your mind. Luckily, I recorded this call and have uploaded it online for you to listen to. The only thing is Art may not let me keep this file up long, so you might want to check it out right away: This recording is 31 minutes. Below are the word for word transcripts of this recording and a sample letter, a phone script and a letter you can post on your web site to get business sellers contacting you.

PDF transcripts

download or play mp3


Sample letters and scripts

Insider Secrets From One Of America’s Best Business Brokers About The Only Way To Buy Or Sell A Small Business In Today’s Economy… And Make Top Dollar


Most small business owners have no clue how to sell their businesses. They either hang on for far too long and essentially miss the best time to sell or they shortchange themselves on the deal by using outdated methods for selling that fail to showcase the true value of their time and effort.

But in this three-part audio, you’ll hear how to make all the right moves, straight from one of America’s top business brokers. He gives a step-by-step inside-look at how to take the same “Wall Street principles” large corporations use to attract the right buyer, and apply them to your small business.

You’ll also hear exactly how to research, find, and buy the best small businesses – even if those businesses aren’t currently on the market!

Part One: Selling A Main St. Business Using Wall St. Practices

Roughly 60% of businesses on the market today won’t sell, and that may have something to do with the traditional “fire, aim, ready” approach most people use to sell them. They do everything backwards by listing their businesses before they analyze the marketplace and determine their place in it.

But in Part One, you’ll hear how they do it on Wall St. to make billion-dollar businesses look good on paper, and how to easily adapt that to your Main St. transactions. You’ll also hear…
• A five-second exercise for finding the exact person most interested in buying your small business or what type of business you should be most interested in buying

• The three classifications of buyers in any market – industry, financial and sophisticated – and what each could mean for you

• All the “insider” secrets about the way most business transactions are actually financed – and how knowing those basics will give you an edge in the buying process

• The three areas of any business you should enhance in order to get top dollar – and a real-life example of how one young woman was offered $165,000 for her no-assets, right-out-of-college small business (but instead decided to enhance these three areas and ended up getting $1.25 million from a sophisticated buyer – in just 6 months!)

• A very simple tactic for using the current economy as a way to attract sophisticated buyers

Part Two: The Most Effective Way To Find And Buy A Business

Most business owners think they’ll be able to sell their businesses on their own when the time is right. But the biggest problem with that picture is that business owners tend to hang onto their businesses long after they’ve taken their foot off the gas pedal. Fortunately, there are strategies for getting to them before that happens, and in Part Two, you’ll hear what they are.

You’ll also hear the only way that works to approach owners of businesses not currently on the market and get them to sell including…

• How to write a well-crafted non-threatening letter that will get business owners interested – while also letting them know you’re not just another BS-artist
• Exactly what you can expect to pay if you enlist a good business broker to run searches for you
• A play-by-play account of the important meetings you’ll need to set up with a potential seller – what you need to make sure they bring to the table and what you’re next steps should be
• The only three questions you’ll need to ask to determine if a business-buying deal should go any further
• How to identify the areas of opportunity in any business

Part Three: A Quick Overview Of The Business-Buying Process

Every successful business has two people behind it with two different sets of skills – an inside guy and an outside guy. The trick is in recognizing which skill set you have, and in matching it with a business’s needs, or vice versa. And in Part Three, you’ll hear how to do that. You’ll also hear…

• How to increase the value of a company without increasing declared earnings
• Actual case studies that illustrate the best ways to use acquisitions to make a company instantly more valuable before selling
• The three things you need to know about any business to determine its profitability
• A quick look at how to use an IRS field guide to calculate a company’s worth
• An easy three-step plan for getting the most from selling a franchise

The typical real estate model will never work for buying or selling a business because most business owners want to keep their sale a secret – and the typical real estate model requires an average of 60 potential buyers touring a property before a sale can happen!

But fortunately, there is a much more efficient approach that works. And in this audio you’ll hear how to make the kind of amazing (yet low-key) deals you’ve probably only heard about after the fact.


  download mp3

How A “Business Angel” Can Get You The Money You Need For Your Next Business.

Here is an interview I did with Christine, the founder of Business Angels, Pty Ltd in Melbourne Australia. This is a fascinating call in which Christine explains the concept of Business Angels, or Angel Investors, who are looking to help a business grow by utilizing their business expertise and established networks in return for a percent of ownership. Some Angels invest in a growing company as well as becoming an integral part of the company.

Business Angels Pty Ltd is a service that matches Business Angels with companies who want to grow their business by associating with an Angel who has experience and is an expert in their type of business. It’s almost like a dating service for businesses and investors! Christine explains her screening process and the many scenarios of how and why Business Angels and businesses can work together to accomplish the ultimate goal of making a business very successful. You will be amazed with the possibilities!

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How To Use “Business Angels” To Get All The Money Your Need For The Business Of Your Dreams.

YES YOU CAN gain ownership in the business of your choice if you know what to do. This recording is with Lawrence from Company Partners based in the United Kingdom.  Company Partners are specialists in matching Angel Investors and/or Venture Capitalists with businesses who want to grow or who need financing. Additionally, they offer services such as business plan development and consulting. You will learn what an Angel Investor is, the reasons why they wish to invest in businesses and the different levels of involvement in a business that an Angel Investor may wish to have. You will also learn the importance of developing a thorough business plan, whether you are a starting a new company or you are looking to partner with an investor.  You will also learn the differences in business plan formats depending upon the type of investor you are looking to partner with.  Company Partners have developed a whole psychology of business plan development and Lawrence gives great examples in this interview. Lawrence gives in-depth advice for any startup business or businesses in general, whether you are looking for investors or not.  The important thing to know is at his site and other angel investing sites around the world, you can approach key business secession makers and make consulting deals. I have been to the site and was impressed with what I saw. It’s free to look at all the businesses that want help. And you can be the one to help them grow by trading your marketing services for ownership in the business. This interview is definitely a “must listen” and I know you will learn a great deal.  Enjoy!


Introduction to Arthur Hamel Business Evaluation Program

Many years ago Art developed the Arthur Hamel Business Pricing Program. It helped people to understand many of the things that went into a business value.

In the past 25 years he worked with many investors and buyers. He had many subjective areas that helped me to analyze a business purchase. Art never attempted to organize it, he just knew what to do.

In the past year Art has been working with buyers and investors that wish to invest with the buyers. It has been very difficult to explain the many subjective items that make up the difference between a good business purchase  and a bad one.

Five years ago Art started to work on a method to pass on the subjective items that make up a good business.

It is a very simple approach and Art did not attempt to tie in weighted values to make it more accurate. He has a start in the area of weighted values and will use it in the future if it is necessary.

Benefits to Buyers:

  1. Ability to do a better job of analyzing the business purchase.
  2. Number rating of all businesses for comparison (Maybe eventually A,B,C,D,).
  3. Improve my ability to explain the good and bad of each business

Benefits to Investors:

  1. Ability to do a better job of analyzing a business investment.
  2. Use total number rating of all businesses for comparison.
  3. Improve my ability to explain the good and bad of each business investment.

Download 25 points here

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Don't Buy A Business Until You Hear This- Important Advice From Art Hamel Student

This is a very informative two-part audio that students of Arthur Hamel will be very interested in listening to. It came about almost entirely by chance. A gentleman by the name of Dale had studied the Arthur Hamel course on business buying and was about to take the important step of meeting with the owners of the business he was interested in buying.

It was an imperative time for Dale to begin to be coached by Art personally. Since Dale’s meeting was to be the very next day and Art was currently out of town, I thought that perhaps another student named Eric could advise Dale about how the meeting should be approached, information that Dale should request, as well as other important aspects of this first meeting.

By coincidence, Eric called me to give me an update about his own business buying deal. After hearing the details, I asked Eric if he would be willing to speak to Dale in Art’s absence in an effort to make Dale’s next day meeting as successful as possible. Eric agreed and we got Dale on a three-way call.

Eric is a very astute student of Arthur Hamel and you will hear him echo many of Art’s methods. The difference between these audios and those you may have heard between Art and I is that Eric brings a different perspective to buying a business because he has had different life experiences and has experienced some up’s and down’s in buying his business that are not covered in the Arthur Hamel course – things that a person can only realize when he or she goes through a specific experience.

I believe that this is what makes these audios so unique and important to people who are thinking of buying a business.

Here are just some of the highlights of Eric’s advice to Dale for the meeting and the business buying deal that are based on Eric’s personal experience:

  • Probably the most important things you need are the company’s financials and its tax records.  They basically tell the whole story of the company.
  • Learn how to present yourself as the buyer of the business:  What to say, how to conduct yourself, and what to expect the current owner’s attitude toward you to be.
  • Hear the importance of observing the business first hand.  Attend as many internal meetings as possible and obtain as much written information as possible since this information will help you to complete your Due Diligence phase.
  • See how getting a great attorney and a great CPA to assist you during the entire buying process is of the utmost importance.
  • Learn the necessity of creating a “million dollar” business plan as soon as possible for your investors.  Hire someone to write it if you are not sure of what it should contain. 
  • Make sure to get aging and payables information in writing from the current business owner.  This information is of the utmost importance and should be addendums to your business plan.
  • Research your business’s competitors.
  • Realize the need for a key management team which may include the business’s current consultants.
  • Hear just some of the negative things that can occur when you are trying to buy a business from Eric’s personal experience.

Listening to how Eric has applied what he learned from the Art Hamel course is so interesting and so informative! You won’t want to miss a minute of it.

You’ll also hear me explain how I revamped the Art Hamel course and added a whole section about buying a business, bringing in marketing resources, and looking for hidden marketing assets. You’ll learn how to use these additional resources to identify the hidden assets of your business prior to purchase so that you will have a better knowledge about how you can grow the business even more.

Since Dale is at the beginning of the process of buying his business, the three of us promised to play this out as a full audio case study after Dale’s activities are complete – whatever the outcome. Additionally, I know that you will want to hear rest of Eric’s story and the outcome of his business buying experience.

Stay tuned for the outcomes of both Eric’s and Dale’s business buying deals. Enjoy!

Can Spending $150 Talking With Art Hamel Save You $4.5 Million? For This New York Man, It Almost did...

I just got off the phone with Michael Chin from New York. Michael ordered Art Hamel's business buying system on April 17th 2004. He has studied the system and by using the advice on one of the recordings, he found a 4.5 million dollar business worth pursuing. He took the next step and invested $150 to consult with Art for one hour about the business. Listen to Michael's story and hear the shocking experience he had with Art. This recording is 11 minutes. NOTE: Art at this time may not be working with students. Please check with me by sending me an Contact by e-mail

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Re: Business Plan Bonus

Here is the Art Hamel Business Plan Links
There are some incredible resources at this link below.


http://www.entrepreneur.com/businessplan/  (scroll down to look for examples of specific business types)


http://www.businessplans.org/  (site contains actual examples)

http://www.myownbusiness.org/s2/  (tips, do's and don'ts, as well as samples and templates)

The last link is called

has thousands of searchable business plans alone.

Art Hamel R.I.P. Passed Away June 2017.


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